Our Mission

Clean Energy Careers NY is a collaborative initiative to create equitable clean energy careers pathways in New York to achieve the state’s climate and clean energy goals. Through regional events, we’re bringing key stakeholders together to strategize and implement solutions for scaling up climate and clean energy education, workforce training, and job placement.

The Initiative

The summits will convene clean energy developers, contractors, educational and training institutions representatives, labor leaders, CBOs specializing in workforce development and wraparound services, renewable energy advocates, state agencies, local governments, and elected officials. In addition to inspiring keynote speakers, panel discussions, and breakout sessions, there will be a career fair and networking reception for job seekers from the region, especially targeting young people, women, and individuals from historically disadvantaged communities and communities of color, previously incarcerated individuals, and veterans. Similar to the successful Climate Solutions Summits that New Yorkers for Clean Power convened prior to the COVID-19 Pandemic with partners in Western NY, Central NY, and the Hudson Valley, the Clean Energy Careers Summits will bring key stakeholders together to advance shared goals, solve problems and build the movement for climate and clean energy solutions.

Similar to the successful Climate Solutions Summits that New Yorkers for Clean Power convened prior to the COVID-19 Pandemic with partners in Western NY, Central NY, and the Hudson Valley, the Clean Energy Careers Summits will bring key stakeholders together to advance shared goals, solve problems and build the movement for climate and clean energy solutions.


Our Goals

  • Clean Energy Careers Summits NY aims to build a larger movement across NY State that is prepared to take action to implement effective climate solutions.

  • We seek to provide an opportunity for organizers and all people from communities across the region to come together to share projects, case studies, resources, experiences, and skills to tackle climate change and implement solutions.

  • We aim to generate more job opportunities in the clean energy sector, bringing together young people, job seekers, and people from disadvantaged communities.